On a hot day, guests might enjoy a splash around in a real old fashioned river swimming hole, A picnic under the shade of the trees, picking some fruit to snack on, playing in the wide open spaces watching the farm animals and native birds, the sorts of thing memories are made of!
Hidden away here there is a small shallow stream, a track takes you to the pristine brook where the surrounding bush clad banks are studded with glow-worms, young native trout/kokopu, long finned eels/tuna and fresh water crayfish/koura can all be seen. Guests must not enter or disturb the water.
On our property you can see the following native birds:
- Wood Pigeon/Kereru
- Tui
- Grey Warbler /Riroriro
- Bell bird/Korimako
- Harrier Hawk/Kahu
- Fantail/ Pīwakawaka
- Kingfisher/Kotare
- Morepork/Ruru
- New Zealand Falcon/Kārearea
- Paradise Duck/Putangitangi
Non natives include:
- Pheasant
- Shining Cuckoo/ Pipiwharauroa
- Wax-eye/ Tauhou and many more